Note to Authors
We are interested in articles from across the globe, not just in Canada. To contribute send a note to
Please submit any articles as a .txt, Word or OpenOffice file format. Format text as 11 point Georgia, single line spacing.
The article can be short (minimum 400 words) or long (up to 5000 words).
Please include images and diagrams if possible. These serve to illustrate your article and allow flexibility in layout.
Ensure you have permission to use any graphics you include and credit the artist/photographer if necessary.
Images/diagrams embedded in your documents should have sufficiently high resolution to allow reasonable re-sizing without degradation. To ensure this it is best to also send high resolution .png or .jpg files of each figure.
Include captions for any photos, figures or tables.
Include your name, title, and institutional affiliation. If you are open to being contacted by readers, please add your email address.
Your submissions may be edited for space, spelling, grammar, etc.
Depending on space constraints, we may retain some articles for publication in succeeding issues.
Please ensure acronyms and potentially obscure references are adequately explained on first use.
The target audience is composed of professionals in government, industry and academia, all of whom are involved with wildfire and smoke issues. Both descriptive and technical articles are welcome.
The Canadian Wildland Fire and Smoke Newsletter will be published via email and on the Internet. Contents of all articles will be freely shared with anyone who is interested.